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10-DAY CHALLENGE: Organize your family life!

10-mins a day for 10-days is all it takes to systemise your family schedule, simplify your to-do list and streamline your shopping.

Welcome text here

DAY 1 - Let’s get the family to join

Welcome to Day 1 of the Life Sorted 10-Day Challenge.

Life Sorted is going to help you finally get control over your hectic family life by providing one central 'go-to' place for your whole family.

The secret to getting the most out of the Life Sorted app is to get the rest of the family to join in, so that everyone can see (and be notified of) what the whole family is doing.

In today’s video you will learn how to:

  • add and invite family members
  • choose colours
  • upload photos
  • family members accept and create their own login

The Life Sorted app is designed specifically to keep everyone in the loop… Here are the step by step instructions for you to follow to get the rest of the fam to join in.

Now, I recommend that you enter everyone in your family, whether they have email addresses or not. Even your fur babies.

Here’s how it works for big and little family members:

  • Once invited by you, the big people in your family (those with an email and device) will receive an email invitation to join the family account.
  • Big people will just need to click on the invitation link in the email, create their own login password and then download the app to login.
  • Everyone with logins will be able to create events and reminders for themselves and the rest of the family.
  • Little people (young ones without devices yet) should also be added too, so that you can keep a track of their activities in the one place.

Step by step instructions

Add and invite family members

  1. Go to the MENU (little hamburger icon).
  2. Tap SETUP.
  4. Tap the + button to add a new family member, or tap the pen icon to check or edit an existing family member previously added.
  5. Enter a first name.
  6. Enter an email address for any of the bigger people in your family (those with an email and device) so that they will receive an invitation to join the family account. Skip this step for little ones.
  7. Specify a gender.
  8. If the family member is under 13 years old, set this option.
  9. Upload a photo.
  10. Choose an event colour.
  11. Tap the tick icon to save.

Family members accept and create their own login

  1. Open invitation email from Life Sorted.
  2. Click on the accept invite link.
  3. Enter a password.
  4. Repeat password.
  5. Download the Life Sorted app and login using email address and password.

Congrats... you’ve now got the family onboard!

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