The champagne is flowing, the clock strikes twelve, and the fireworks explode, igniting excitement and hope for the new year ahead.
You start to conjure up an endless list of life-changing resolutions that you’re definitely going to achieve. This is your year, right?!
Without fail, this is the same scenario I’ve felt every New Year. I have a feeling if you’re reading this that you have too. However, somewhere towards the end of January, something always seems to shift and you begin to lose momentum. All those incredible resolutions that you promised yourself you’d conquer start to fade like the distant memories of last year.
Us humans are great at getting ourselves excited and setting goals for the future but sometimes, when the going gets tough, our resolutions get thrown out the window. Sound familiar?
So listen up, if you want to shift your mindset from a position of ‘dreaming’ to a state of ‘doing’, this is for you. Here are my simple steps to get you kicking your goals this year!
// 1. K.I.S.S. your long list of New Year resolutions goodbye
Did your fingers just get a bit trigger happy tapping away writing a long list of NY resolutions? Delete that list right now. I know you have huge plans for yourself this year, but trust me on this one. Now the slate is wiped clean it’s time to implement the good old saying – K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid). That’s right… K.I.S.S your long list of resolutions goodbye and say HELLO to a concise list of 1-3 achievable resolutions.
You can declutter your resolutions list by choosing a few, ACHIEVABLE and REALISTIC resolutions that you want to focus on. If you need help crafting the perfect list hola at me or read my previous post as I am the Queen of lists! You’re probably thinking Jo, are you CRAZY, throwing out the whole list? Well no, Rome wasn’t built in a day, therefore you need to be realistic with yourself, your time and how much you can give to achieving these goals. Our time is limited. By focusing your efforts on less goals, you’ll be more likely to achieve your goals. Rather than splitting your time and focus trying to semi-achieve several resolutions, you’ll now have more time to take action and achieve the goals you want the most!
// 2. Be SPECIFIC – make it count!
Create resolutions that are specific. I see many people set vague and aimless resolutions like ‘lose weight’ or ‘slow down on the champers’ or ‘be more present’.
If you choose ambiguous goals, I can assure you that you are setting yourself up for failure. Those empty goals are difficult to measure and conquer. Instead, focus on concrete goals that you can realistically see through to the end of the year. Simple resolutions could be, drinking two litres of water per day, reducing screen time by one hour a day or even – for myself – attending at least three workout sessions a week – I love F45!
// 3. Being SMART-er pays off!
Be intentional with your goal setting. Write down your short concise list of goals and make sure they are SMART goals: S-pecific, M-easurable, A-chievable, R-ealistic, and T-imely. Once you’ve pinpointed the changes you want in life, break these down into smaller tasks required to achieve the big goal and start ticking each task off the list to achieve the larger goal. This could be as simple as listening to one informative podcast a week. For myself, I love learning about decluttering, so I ritually listen to the Minimalists on a Sunday night once the kids have settled and I can finally relax. Trust me! I promise, being SMART-er with your goals than you were last year will pay off.
//4. Make technology your accountability buddy
Everyone knows I’m a tech girl and I’m PROUD! I use technology in all aspects of my life, so it’s a no-brainer to use technology to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions. The Life Sorted app is perfect for keeping you accountable when the going gets tough. The app is PACKED full of features, designed to help you and your busy family stay organised and connected. For example, let’s say you want to take your family on the trip of a lifetime to Lake Louise for a white Christmas. You could simply set yourself a recurring event on pay day to set money aside to the holiday fund – it’s as simple as that! Making excuses not to exercise? Simple slot your exercise class in as a recurring event and be ‘nudged’ aka notified to attend each time.
Perhaps you’re feeling drained and desperately need some me time. Decide on how much time each day you’re going to reward yourself with then schedule it into the calendar using your Life Sorted app. YES! Nearly there to some self-lovin! DING! The notification will pop up with ‘me time’ and then you can frolic to the kettle for a cuppa, water the garden with your drink of choice or perhaps take a quick jog!
The birth of every New Year is an exciting time to make some changes within your life. So take a deep breath and refocus your mind, body and spirit to achieve your resolutions. At the start of the new year, remember these simple steps when setting your goals: choose only a FEW, make them SPECIFIC, and be SMART-er in 2019!
I believe in you. Go forth and turn that Pinterest board into your reality!
Jo xo